From Connected TV to Second Screen 2010-2012 product roadmap

R&D Prisa Digital  last two years we set up a specialized design and developer team focused on Connected TV ( see  presentation «Grupo Prisa experience in Connected Tv devlopment on slideshare)

connected Tv development second screen

Over this time the 2nd screen concept  arise and we had defined by aggregation of 3 different interaction and consumption features:

1.Synchronized TV Apps : playback and control troughout sencond device (sport app As second scren sync to tablet for editorial articles and video playback)

2.Companion TV Apps: Main screen content is reinforced and contextualized (Infolearning subtitles &vocabulary learning)

3.Interactive TV apps: user interacts with main content (conversational socialTV)  plot interaction  or content interaction gaming ( karaoke app sync with smartphone and TV)

What come next?

Tablet adoption next with Connectd Tv and specific apps development will allow a new way of audiovisual consunption created that is konw as second screen experience.

•The new TV users demand different contents, studios premium and low cost , short and long form content, live and on demand, for being consumed trougthout multiple devices
•The new user demands a better usage and targeting of his consumption time integrating the concept of family interactive entertainmet to TV content (social games) and social conversation (social TV)
•One of main changes will adress sinchornized commercial campaingns will leverage actual CPM
•.Content search will be related to recommendation systems both editoprial an social (netflix 70% of traffic driven by reccommendations)
•Search will not be linked to consumtion time since movile apps will let us create playlist in advance for being played back later on larger screens.
•Commercialization of 2nd screen campaings


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